Results for 'Ianni Barros Luna'

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  1.  16
    Relações de vontade a vontade.Ianni Barros Luna - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1.
    Este artigo tem como intenção investigar as maneiras segundo as quais as inter- relações didático-pedagógicas nas "comunidades de investigação filosófica", possam ser lidas a partir de uma ótica que enfatize os processos de (auto)construção subjetiva constantemente realizados por seus/suas participantes. Utilizando a noção de ―relação de vontade a vontade‖ articulada por Jacques Rancière, procurarei desenvolver algumas possíveis interpretações das interações entre pensamento e afetos, em especial, sua condição latente de ocupar posição privilegiada nas dinâmicas de auto-percepção e hetero-reconhecimento intelectuais. A (...)
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  2. Natural selection as a mechanism.D. Benjamin Barros - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (3):306-322.
    Skipper and Millstein (2005) argued that existing conceptions of mechanisms failed to "get at" natural selection, but left open the possibility that a refined conception of mechanisms could resolve the problems that they identified. I respond to Skipper and Millstein, and argue that while many of their points have merit, their objections can be overcome and that natural selection can be characterized as a mechanism. In making this argument, I discuss the role of regularity in mechanisms, and develop an account (...)
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    Arts-sciences, alloys: the thesis defense of Iannis Xenakis before Olivier Messiaen, Michel Ragon, Olivier Revault d'Allonnes, Michel Serres, and Bernard Teyssèdre.Iannis Xenakis - 1985 - New York: Pendragon Press. Edited by Olivier Messiaen.
    PRELIMINAR Y STA TEMENT BY IA NNIS XENA KIS Subtended Philosophy* The worlds of classical, contemporary, pop, folk, traditional, avant-garde, etc., ...
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    Formalized music.Iannis Xenakis - 1971 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Pendragon Press is proud to offer this new, revised, and expanded edition of Formalized Music, Iannis Xenakis's landmark book of 1971. In addition to three totally new chapters examining recent breakthroughs in music theory, two original computer programs illustrating the actual realization of newly proposed methods of composition, and an appendix of the very latest developments of stochastic synthesis as an invitation to future exploration, Xenakis offers a very critical self-examination of his theoretical propositions and artistic output of the past (...)
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    Wittgenstein, les règles et les accords.Antonio Ianni Segatto - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (2):477-498.
    Antonio Ianni Segatto Dans cet article, je veux montrer quel est le malentendu commun aux lectures opposées des remarques wittgensteiniennes sur « suivre une règle », notamment la lecture sceptique de Kripke et la lecture de Baker et Hacker. Je crois que caractériser correctement le malentendu de ces dernières nous permet de voir la bonne façon de lire ces remarques, dans la mesure où ces lectures sont toujours soumises à une confusion philosophique que Wittgenstein veut dissoudre. Ensuite, je présente (...)
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    Black feminist sociology: perspectives and praxis.Zakiya Luna & Whitney Pirtle (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Black Feminist Sociology offers new writings by established and emerging scholars working in a Black feminist tradition. The book centers Black feminist sociology within the sociology canon and widens is to feature Black feminist sociologists both outside the U.S. and the academy. Inspired by a BFS lens, the essays are critical, personal, political and oriented toward social justice. Key themes include the origins of Black feminist sociology, expositions of BFS orientations to research that extend disciplinary norms, and contradictions of the (...)
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    ‘Pesticides are our children now’: cultural change and the technological treadmill in the Burkina Faso cotton sector.Jessie K. Luna - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):449-462.
    Amidst broad debates about the “New Green Revolution” in Africa, input-intensive agriculture is on the rise in some parts of Africa. This paper examines the underlying drivers of the recent and rapid adoption of herbicides and genetically modified seeds in the Burkina Faso cotton sector. Drawing on 8 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Houndé region, this article contends that economic and cultural dynamics—often considered separately in analyses of technology adoption—have co-produced a self-reinforcing technological treadmill. On the one hand, male (...)
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    (1 other version)Ranke: considerações sobre sua obra e modelo historiográfico -doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i3.774.José Costa D.´Assunção Barros - 2013 - Diálogos (Maringa) 17 (3).
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    Lógicas de la filosofía de la historia: hacia una crítica de la lógica de la razón histórica.Luna Bravo & José Luis - 2011 - Bogotá, D.C.: Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Bogotá, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    What to expect when expecting: waiting for the Russians in the eighteenth century Ottoman Empire.Iannis Carras - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (8):1074-1088.
    ABSTRACT This article surveys recent work on oracular prophecies and their role in Greek perceptions of Russia in the early modern period. Drawing on this survey, the article provides a critical assessment of the historiographical paradigm of the ‘Russian Expectation’ offered by Paschalis Kitromilides for the analysis of Greek-Russian relations. Finally, the article proposes that scholars should focus on the concept of protection as an aspect of political language, this providing an explanation for particular Greek and also Russian interpretations of (...)
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    Clave taxonomica para la identificacion del genero Lonchaea fallen en la region neotropical (Lonchaeidae: Diptera).Luna Ivan Gustavo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Habermas e a tensão entre facticidade e validade imanente à linguagem.Antonio Ianni Segatto - 2022 - Dois Pontos 18 (2).
    Pretende-se é elucidar alguns aspectos da teoria pragmática da linguagem de Habermas tal como apresentada no primeiro capítulo de Facticidade e validade relacionando as teses apresentadas nessa parte do livro a teses apresentadas sobretudo na segunda parte de Pensamento pós-metafísico a fim de elucidar com como a teoria discursiva do direito e da democracia apresentada em 1992 tem seu ponto de apoio em uma concepção específica da linguagem. Essa estratégia permite examinar os pressupostos normalmente deixados à sombra nas discussões da (...)
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  13. Concepciones teóricas sobre la crisis de los recursos hídricos y su regulación.Alejandra Núñez Luna - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 31:137-176.
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  14. ¿procrear O No Procrear?: Sida y derechos reproductivos.Florencia Luna - 1999 - Análisis Filosófico 19 (2):153-172.
    This article presents some of the ethical and theoretical problems that reproductive decisions pose. I considerer the difficult situation of HIV infected women who have to decide whether to begin or continue pregnancy, knowing about the possibility of transmitting the infection. Could reproductive freedom be limited? I discuss, among others, Parfit, Harris and Purdy´s proposals. I try to show that a paternalistic solution is inadequate and argue on behalf of the importance of responsible and informed decisions on the part of (...)
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    Contestations dans l’enseignement.Iannis Roder - 2025 - Cités 100 (4):45-56.
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    Les Juifs, victimes de la mémoire de la Shoah?Iannis Roder - 2021 - Cités 87 (3):19-32.
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  17. Elucidating the concept of vulnerability: Layers not labels.Florencia Luna - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):121-139.
    In this article I examine several criticisms of the concept of vulnerability. Rather than rejecting the concept, however, I argue that a sufficiently rich understanding of vulnerability is essential to bioethics. The challenges of international research in developing countries require an understanding of how new vulnerabilities arise from conditions of economic, social and political exclusion. A serious shortcoming of current conceptions of vulnerability in research ethics is the tendency to treat vulnerability as a label fixed on a particular subpopulation. My (...)
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  18. Negative causation in causal and mechanistic explanation.D. Benjamin Barros - 2013 - Synthese 190 (3):449-469.
    Instances of negative causation—preventions, omissions, and the like—have long created philosophical worries. In this paper, I argue that concerns about negative causation can be addressed in the context of causal explanation generally, and mechanistic explanation specifically. The gravest concern about negative causation is that it exacerbates the problem of causal promiscuity—that is, the problem that arises when a particular account of causation identifies too many causes for a particular effect. In the explanatory context, the problem of promiscuity can be solved (...)
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  19. A Philosophical Argument for the Beginning of Time.Laureano Luna & Jacobus Erasmus - 2020 - Prolegomena 19 (2):161-176.
    A common argument in support of a beginning of the universe used by advocates of the kalām cosmological argument (KCA) is the argument against the possibility of an actual infinite, or the “Infinity Argument”. However, it turns out that the Infinity Argument loses some of its force when compared with the achievements of set theory and it brings into question the view that God predetermined an endless future. We therefore defend a new formal argument, based on the nature of time (...)
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  20. Ungrounded Causal Chains and Beginningless Time.Laureano Luna - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (3-4):297-307.
    We use two logical resources, namely, the notion of recursively defined function and the Benardete-Yablo paradox, together with some inherent features of causality and time, as usually conceived, to derive two results: that no ungrounded causal chain exists and that time has a beginning.
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  21. Tiny Proper Classes.Laureano Luna - 2016 - The Reasoner 10 (10):83-83.
    We propose certain clases that seem unable to form a completed totality though they are very small, finite, in fact. We suggest that the existence of such clases lends support to an interpretation of the existence of proper clases in terms of availability, not size.
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    Poverty and inequality: Challenges for the iab: Iab presidential address.Florencia Luna - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (5-6):451-459.
    ABSTRACT This paper focuses on poverty and inequality in the world today. First, it points out how this topic is a main concern for the IAB. Second, it proposes ‘new’ theoretical tools in order to analyze global justice and our obligations towards the needy. I present John Rawls's denial that the egalitarian principle can be applied to the global sphere, his proposed weak duty of assistance, and his consideration of endemic poverty as essentially homegrown. In opposition, I focus on Thomas (...)
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    Ontological indistinguishability as a central tenet of quantum theory.José Acacio de Barros & Federico Holik - 2023 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 381:20220100.
    Quantum indistinguishability directly relates to the philosophical debate on the notions of identity and individuality. They are crucial for our understanding of multipartite quantum systems. Furthermore, the correct interpretation of this feature of quantum theory has implications that transcend fundamental science and philosophy, given that quantum indistinguishability is a resource in quantum information theory. Most of the conceptual analysis of quantum indistinguishability is restricted to studying the permutational invariance of quantum states, the concomitant quantum statistics and their entanglement. Here, we (...)
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    A crítica de Peter Singer ao presidente Bush.José Barros - 2004 - Critica.
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    A embalagem pública do privado.Antonio Teixeira de Barros - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (164):737-759.
    Analisa-se a construção dos conceitos de público, privado e privatização na cobertura jornalística da Folha de São Paulo sobre o processo de privatização no Brasil, de 1990 a 1994. Insere- se o estudo na linha de pesquisa "Comunicação e processos sociais’, que concebe as instituições de comunicação contemporâneas corno urna das instâncias principais da geração e difusão de discursos, considerando-se o caráter mediador da informação entre os indivíduos, as instituições sociais e entre estes e o Estado. Baseia-se nas formulações de (...)
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    COMBLIN, José. O Espírito Santo e a tradição de Jesus. São Paulo: Nhanduti, 2012.Marcelo Barros - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1666-1669.
    RESENHA: COMBLIN, José. O Espírito Santo e a tradição de Jesus . São Paulo: Nhanduti, 2012.
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    Nietzsche e Palestrina.Fernando De Moraes Barros - 2007 - Discurso 37:201-216.
    Este artigo trata do lugar de Palestrina no primeiro período da filosofia de Nietzsche. Na tentativa de situar o célebre compositor renascentista no seio de algumas observações articuladas pelo filósofo alemão, mostrar-se-á, qual instigante e invulgar problemática acerca da origem da linguagempode, a partir de tal registro teórico, vir à tona.
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    Susan Broomhall (dir.), Authority, Gender and E.Paula Barros - 2018 - Clio 47:264-271.
    Ces deux ouvrages collectifs dirigés par Susan Broomhall s’inscrivent dans le cadre des travaux menés par l’Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, 1100-1800. Publiés en 2015, ils ont pour ambition de croiser sur la longue durée, du Moyen Âge à l’époque moderne, trois axes de questionnement : les « idéologies du genre » (gender ideologies), les expériences émotionnelles et les discours et les pratiques du pouvoir. Authority, Gender and Emotions in Late Me...
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  29. Táticas de comunicação on-line na defesa de demandas indígenas na Amazônia.Thiago Almeida Barros & Edgar Monteiro Chagas Junior - 2023 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 29 (1).
    Neste trabalho analisamos a dinâmica da representação política não eleitoral de demandas indígenas em campanhas realizadas pela ONG Greenpeace Brasil da organização Mobilização Nacional Indígena (MNI). Nosso objetivo é identificar táticas de comunicação on-line a partir de conteúdos publicados pelas organizações em suas fanpages na rede social Facebook, entre março e agosto de 2016, período de intensificação de discussões sobre o licenciamento ambiental para a construção da hidrelétrica de São Luiz do Tapajós, que alagaria parte do território Munduruku, no Pará. (...)
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  30. A sogra: A comédia dos erros de terêncio.Marco Antonio Abrantes de Barros Godoi - 2011 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (22):81-88.
    A Sogra (Hecyra) é uma comédia de Terêncio que trata dos desencontros entre personagens que constituem dois grupos familiares: a família de Laques, constituída de seu filho Pânfilo, sua nora Filumena, sua esposa Sóstrata. A família de Filumena, cujo pai é Fidipo e sua esposa Mírrina. A trama gira em torno de desencontros, convenções sociais que sobrepujam os sentimentos entre os parentes e a presença de uma prostituta de nome Báquis. Trata-se de uma peça com base em dramas burgueses que (...)
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  31. a trajetória no mundo do trabalho de uma aluna do PROEJA.Anália Bescia Martins de Barros - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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    Sidney E o direito de resistência.Alberto Ribeiro Gomes de Barros - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:15-32.
    A intenção do artigo é examinar a reflexão de Algernon Sidney no que se refere ao direito de resistência do povo contra governos tirânicos. Amplamente discutido por autores das mais diversas vertentes políticas, o direito de resistência ocupou um lugar de destaque no debate jurídico, teológico e político no decorrer dos séculos XVI e XVII. Além dos tradicionais argumentos apresentados por huguenotes franceses, monarcômacos escoceses e defensores da causa parlamentar durante as guerras civis inglesas, a defesa de Sidney do direito (...)
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    Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing Early Christian Identity.Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna - 2016 - Augustinianum 56 (2):496-509.
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    Consideraciones éticas y ambientales en el proceso de acidificación oceánica.Nelson de Jesús Gil-Luna - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (2).
    La acidificación oceánica es un problema creciente que afecta el medio ambiente global, cuyas repercusiones son detectables ahora, que ponen en riesgo el recurso hídrico más extenso del planeta e incluyen en los cambios climáticos que se pueden documentar en todo el planeta. El presente artículo analiza la protección del medio marino como una medida para asegurar a las generaciones futuras un ambiente sano, que les garantice una mejor forma de vida. Se exponen los diferentes principios que rigen a la (...)
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    Por qué leer a Hegel.Vanna Ianni Ayuso - 1976 - Santo Domingo, R.D.: [Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo].
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  36. La defensa de la Vida desde su Concepción Y el reconocimiento Del no nacido en el ordenamiento jurídico venezolano.Patricia Leal Barros - 2013 - Civitas: Revista de Ciencias Juridicas, Politicas y Sociales 1 (1):18-28.
    Este trabajo estudió la defensa del niño concebido aún no nato y el reconocimiento del no nacido en los casos que se trate de su bien en el ordenamiento jurídico venezolano. El objetivo general estuvo dirigido al examen del ordenamiento jurídico patrio en cuanto a las normas que salvaguardan la vida desde la concepción en el seno materno. Se trata pues de una investigación documental, en donde se analizó la doctrina nacional y foránea sobre la protección del no nacido, su (...)
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    El giro crítico del arte: perspectivas sobre creatividad y contestación.Diego Luna - 2021 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
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  38. Engendering Ethnicity.Luna Nàjera - 1999 - Radical Philosophy Review 2 (2):112-122.
    Interweaving personal narrative and theory, this essay frames the valorization of female virginity in Guatemalan ladino society within the context of ethnic conflict between ladinos and Mayan Indians. A consideration of what is at stake in the premarital loss of virginity for ladino women can illuminate interrelationships among nationalism, the engendering of ethnicity, and women’s bodies.
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    Good (and Bad) Words for the Ontological (and Anthropomorphic) Description of Behavior.Fernando Otálora-Luna, Tiara Fulmore, Oscar Páez-Rondón, Elis Aldana & Jory Brinkerhoff - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-22.
    This work is an effort to philosophize about the scientific words we must use to describe behaviors. It was written as an essay thus it is left here for further development; the issue before us is an ethological one, it addresses the question: which words are the most convenient to use in rigorous behavioral studies in order to produce scientific knowledge? We discuss the historical and philosophical roots of this behavioral-scientific problem. We admit anthropomorphic inference of organisms’ behaviors, as a (...)
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    Review Article: Sartre on the Body edited by Katherine J. Morris Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 Reviewed by Luna Dolezal. [REVIEW]Luna Dolezal - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (4):99-104.
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    “Truly a Women of Color Organization”: Negotiating Sameness and Difference in Pursuit of Intersectionality.Zakiya Luna - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):769-790.
    Research on the U.S. women’s movement has documented the difficulties of cross-racial work between White women and women of racial/ethnic minorities. Less understood is how racial/ethnic minorities do cross-racial work among themselves to construct a collective identity of “women of color” that encourages solidarity across race, class, and other statuses. Drawing on research from the reproductive justice movement, I examine how women of color organizations that strive for intersectional praxis negotiate sameness and difference. I identify two different logics at work (...)
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    The phenomenology of shame in the clinical encounter.Luna Dolezal - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):567-576.
    This article examines the phenomenology of body shame in the context of the clinical encounter, using the television program ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ as illustrative. I will expand on the insights of Aaron Lazare’s 1987 article ‘Shame and Humiliation in the Medical Encounter’ where it is argued that patients often see their diseases and ailments as defects, inadequacies or personal shortcomings and that visits to doctors and medical professionals involve potentially humiliating physical and psychological exposure. I will start by outlining a phenomenology (...)
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  43. Sleeping Beauty: Exploring a Neglected Solution.Laureano Luna - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (3):1069-1092.
    The strong law of large numbers and considerations concerning additional information strongly suggest that Beauty upon awakening has probability 1/3 to be in a heads-awakening but should still believe the probability that the coin landed heads in the Sunday toss to be 1/2. The problem is that she is in a heads-awakening if and only if the coin landed heads. So, how can she rationally assign different probabilities or credences to propositions she knows imply each other? This is the problem (...)
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    Visual Perversity: A Re-Articulation of Maternal Instinct.Alina M. Luna - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Through her reading of Euripides'Bacchae, Colridge's "Christabel," de Sade'sPhilosophy in the Bedroom, and Hitchcock'sPsycho author Alina M. Luna finds precedent for a destructive impulse lurking beneath the maternal gaze.
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  45. Viktor Emil Frankl y Jean-Paul Sartre: la religión a pesar de Auschwitz y una libertad sin Dios. El sentido y sinsentido del sufrimiento de las víctimas / PhD Dissertation / Antonia Tejeda Barros, UNED, Madrid, Spain.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2023 - Dissertation, Uned, Department of Philosophy, Madrid, Spain
    (Spanish) RESUMEN: La libertad absoluta postulada por Viktor Emil Frankl y Jean-Paul Sartre, la Shoah y la creencia en un dios omnipotente, bueno y justo parecen contradecirse. La pregunta por el sentido del sufrimiento de las víctimas del Holocausto (la verdadera catástrofe, el mayor crimen contra la humanidad), simbolizado por Auschwitz, y como punto de inflexión en la historia, es terriblemente dolorosa y parece no tener una respuesta filosófica ni teológica. A mi juicio, es importantísimo distinguir entre las víctimas inocentes (...)
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  46. ¿Acaso si Dios no existe todo está permitido? Dostoyevski, la moral sartreana, la esperanza frankleana y el recuerdo de las víctimas.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (2):82-97.
    RESUMEN (ES): ¿Es posible una moral sin Dios (Jean-Paul Sartre) o con un dios que existe en una dimensión suprahumana (Viktor Frankl)? La famosa "cita" de Dostoyevski ("Si Dios no existe, todo está permitido") no fue escrita así por Dostoyevski. El Holocausto, como punto de inflexión e interrupción en la historia, la filosofía y la teología, abre nuevos interrogantes "después" de Auschwitz. En el presente artículo discuto la moral sartreana y la frankleana, analizando la famosa "cita" de Dostoyevski y preguntándome (...)
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    Shame, Vulnerability and Belonging: Reconsidering Sartre’s Account of Shame.Luna Dolezal - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (3):421-438.
    Through positing that our capacity for physical vulnerability is at the core of original shame, Sartre’s account in Being and Nothingness reveals shame as an essential structure of human existence. Reading Sartre’s ontological account of ‘pure shame’ alongside recent writing about shame in early child development, particularly Martha Nussbaum’s account of ‘primitive shame,’ this article will explore the inherent links between shame, the body and vulnerability, ultimately positing that our human need for belonging is the fundamental driving force behind shame, (...)
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    Can We Consistently Say That We Cannot Speak About Everything?Laureano Luna - 2008 - The Reasoner 2 (9):5-7.
    Following an idea from Gödel and Carnap we show how we can speak with absolute generality even if we cannot quantify with absolute generality.
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    Is 'best proven' a useless criterion?Florencia Luna - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (4):273–288.
    In this article I examine some proposals for modification of ethical documents regulating research, particularly, the problems that introducing certain economic clauses may pose. I evaluate suggestions that reject the notion of providing the ‘best proven diagnostic and therapeutic method’ in favor of ‘the highest attainable therapeutic method’ or ‘the proven effective prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic methods’. I analyze the plausibility and problems of introducing a double standard and the consequences it may have in developing countries. Finally I highlight the (...)
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    Heidegger und der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung.Federica Ma González-Luna Ortiz - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (74):184-188.
    En esta discusión abordo la hermenéutica analógica de Mauricio Beuchot comparándola con la hermenéutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Argumento que Beuchot vuelve a la idea clásica de la hermenéutica como método de interpretación y no la juzga, como Gadamer, como una fenomenología de la comprensión. Sin embargo, Beuchot no atiende las razones de Gadamer en contra de concebir la hermenéutica como una metodología. Si se considera como metodología centrada en la analogía, la hermenéutica analógica deja de lado otros recursos interpretativos (...)
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